About Numerica Fusion

The ultimate destination for all your data science needs. We are experts in data analytics, supporting Individuals, SMEs, and Corporations in their data-driven journey!

Why Us?

Dedicated Data Science Specialists


Our Vision

Our vision is to establish ourselves as a global leader in the field of data science services, setting new standards of excellence. We aim to combine our deep expertise in advanced analytics platforms with a meticulous talent acquisition process. This fusion will enable us to create innovative data science solutions, driving unparalleled performance and efficiency across various sectors.

Our Mission

Our mission is to transform businesses with powerful data science solutions, utilizing advanced analytics and machine learning. We aim to deliver actionable insights and optimized strategies through a team of skilled data scientists, driving efficiency and success in a data-driven world.

Who We Are?

Founded in 2007 by a dedicated team of IT professionals, our data science company has grown over 14+ years, applying extensive industry experience to deliver comprehensive data science solutions. We have empowered numerous businesses and individuals to achieve their goals through tailored strategies, predictive modeling, and advanced analytics, all underpinned by innovative data science applications.

Our Core Values

Our core values define our identity as a data science company and exemplify our commitment to excellence. They unite our team in a common purpose, guiding us towards achieving our collective objectives in the realm of data analytics and machine learning.


We maintain transparency and adaptability in our data science services, actively seeking client input for continuous improvement. We are committed to accountability and swift problem resolution to enhance client engagement and satisfaction.


We are deeply dedicated to empowering organizations through innovative and scalable data science solutions. By merging our core values and strengths, we strive to provide outstanding customer service and drive business success.


We maintain an open and transparent approach in our data science practices, actively encouraging customer feedback to refine our solutions. We hold ourselves accountable for resolving any issues promptly, ensuring strong client engagement and quick, effective solutions.


We uphold the highest quality standards in data science, working diligently to ensure our actions reflect our core values. We take pride in our ability to turn every project into a success, embracing challenges of all sizes and complexities with equal dedication.

Apply Today

Are you looking to outsource your data science projects? We offer expert data science outsourcing services, providing professional and tailored solutions for your development needs

Book a demo call to make sure we are a mutual fit together. Things we often chat about:

How To Submit Requests

What Type Of Requests Are Covered

Timeline For Requests

Hundreds Of Happy Customers

Alok Gupta
WRI India

“It’s been a wonderful experience working. The key fact that appealed to me was the collaborative approach of the team. I would strongly recommend this company as one of the leading IT Company in the space.”

Virender Bisht
Co-Founder and CTO of GoNiyo

"The team has helped us extend our internal capacity of engineering team for projects that were waiting to start. Their developers are dedicated to our company, highly capable and diligent. They take initiative where needed in the project and so far have been exceeding our expectations."

Dennis Chu
Movebee Inc. Limited

"My team partner has been wonderful to work with from the past years. Not only the talents are professional, the project management bridging the communication offers flexible solutions to challenges. I can recommend this team and will be happy to share my experience."