Data Migration Services

Utilize the expertise of our Data Migration consultants to seamlessly transfer your data to its new destination, ensuring uninterrupted operations and complete data preservation.

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Our Data Migration Services

Database Migration Services

Migrate your databases seamlessly, ensuring data structures, relationships, and integrity remain intact across different platforms or architectures, with minimal downtime.

Server Migration Services

Relocate server-based resources, including applications and hosted data, to new hardware or virtual environments with full operational continuity and security compliance.

Cloud Migration Services

Transition your on-premises systems, applications, and databases to cloud environments, optimizing for scalability, performance, and cost-effectiveness while minimizing disruption.

Data Center Migration

Execute large-scale moves of data center operations to new locations or facilities, encompassing the strategic transfer of critical IT infrastructure, assets, and services.

Application Migration

Adapt and move your applications to new environments, whether cloud, hybrid, or on different platforms, ensuring functional consistency and performance standards.

Storage Migration

Transfer data storage solutions, from physical to virtual or cloud-based systems, improving data accessibility and reliability without compromising on data security or business operations.

Tech Stack for Data Migration Services

On-Premise Tools

Our consultants use powerful ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) and data integration tools such as Centerprise Data Integrator, CloverDX, IBM InfoSphere, Informatica PowerCenter, Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services, and Oracle Data Integrator to manage complex data migrations within on-premise systems.

Cloud-Based Tools

For migrations involving cloud environments, we employ tools like Apache NiFi, cloud middleware, Pentaho, Talend Open Studio, Alooma, Matillion, and Snaplogic, which are optimized for cloud data flows and integration.

Open-Source Tools

Our team also leverages open-source technologies including Alooma, Fivetran, Matillion, Snaplogic, Stitch Data, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and CloverDX, offering flexibility and transparency for custom migration solutions.

Our Top-Of-The-Line Expertise in Data Migration

Big Bang Migration Mastery

Proficient in transferring all data in a single operation, ensuring a comprehensive and synchronized switch-over.

Trickle Migration Strategy

Specialized in incremental data transfers, allowing ongoing operations and reducing system downtime.

On-Demand Migration Flexibility

Capable of performing data migration in response to business needs, offering customizable scheduling and execution.

Zero-Downtime Migration

Expertise in executing migrations without interrupting business continuity, ensuring 24/7 operational availability.

Automated Migration Processes

Utilizing automation to enhance accuracy and speed while minimizing human error and resource expenditure.

Cloud Migration Proficiency

Skilled in navigating complex cloud ecosystems for efficient data transitions, achieving optimal scalability and security.

Why Hire Data Migration Consultants from Numerica Fusion?

Proven Track Record

Numerica Fusion consultants have a history of successful migrations, showcasing our ability to handle data with precision across various industries.

Customized Solutions

We understand that each business is unique. Our consultants tailor the migration strategy to align with your specific data, systems, and objectives.

Advanced Tool Proficiency

Our team is adept with the latest and most efficient data migration tools, ensuring a smooth, secure, and swift transition.

Risk Mitigation

We employ thorough risk assessment protocols and contingency planning to minimize disruptions and protect your data integrity.

Comprehensive Support

From pre-migration planning to post-migration assistance, our consultants provide end-to-end support, ensuring seamless integration into your new system.

Regulatory Compliance

Our expertise ensures that your data migration complies with all relevant data protection regulations, safeguarding you from potential legal and financial repercussions.

Get in touch with us today to explore how we can assist you in achieving your data-driven goals.

Customer Success Stories



Core Technologies - R | Tableau | SQL Server

An insurance client needed to enhance their claims prediction accuracy to set premiums more effectively. We mined their database using SQL, processed and analyzed data with R, and visualized risk profiles in Tableau.



Core Technologies - Python | NLP | Flask

We empowered a major transport management client to revamp their routing system, leading to a 25% boost in delivery efficiency and a 20% cut in fuel usage. Using Python and Flask, we developed a dynamic routing API that integrated real-time data and driver feedback processed via NLP, reducing costs and improving driver experiences.



Core Technologies - Python | PowerBI | MySQL | Bright Data

Our data-driven approach using Python, PowerBI, and MySQL, supplemented by Bright Data's insights, enabled a US dental care provider to significantly enhance patient experience. This led to a 30% decrease in wait times, a 15% rise in treatment efficacy, and markedly higher patient satisfaction.


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